Interrogatoria in the court trial against Aaron Abramowicz from Wiśnicz

A set of questions prepared by the instigator of the voivode court for the questioning of Aaron Abramowicz from Nowy Wiśnicz, accused of conspiracy against Dawid Szmelka, the land rabbi of Krakow, together with some land elders of Krakow and Sandomierz and the leaseholders of Słuck, Gdal and Szmujło Ickowicz.


Archive: Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv
Fond: Archive of Tarlo Family (Fond 254)
Reference Number: CGIA Kijów, Fond 254 [Arch. Tarłów], op. 1, sp. 1183, s. 14r-15r [kopia]
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 07.1742 - 09.1742
Place of origin: Opole Lubelskie
Geographical names: Cracow (Kraków), Nowy Korczyn, Nowy Wisnicz, Opole Lubelskie, Sandomierz, Slutsk, Stopnica, Tarlow, Wodzisław

Na mocy wyroku z dn. 17 VII 1742.

Mikrofilm: The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP), HM3/ 250.47